

„Performing at the RWMF Theatre Stage right now is Vassvik from Norway. Beautiful and surreal Sami

Yoik. Mesmerizingly beautiful. … Truly unique. I'm glad I was there at this performance.“

Hendrick Foh, Rainforest WorldMusic Festival, Malaysia, August 2016

„Norway’s Vassvik revealed another form of throat singing from the Sámi Joik tradition. Torgeir Vassvik

(drum, guitar and vocals) was joined by violin and cello … a truly hypnotic performance.“

Chris Lambie, Rhythms – Australia's Roots Music Magazine, Rainforest World Music Festival, August 2016

"Og fredag formiddag faldt brikkerne på plads, da samiske Vassvik gestaltede en rockistisk-shamanistisk seance i Glorias kølige mørke. Hans rallende overtonebrøl løftede en flig af civilisationen, så vi sammen kunne stirre ind i evigheden.

At det således lykkedes mig at rumme Roskilde, og Roskilde kunne rumme mig, vidner om festivalens transformationskraft: At blive budt velkommen til et sted, hvor vi kan lade maskerne falde. Et sted, hvor vi er nødt til at blive vœk for at kunne finde os selv. Nu på et helt nyt niveau.

Onsdag: Hinds, Föllakzoid og Vœrket. Torsdag: Elle King og Silvana Imam. Fredag: Vassvik"

Information, Copenhagen, 2nd July 2016

„At Friday noon the picture became complete while the Sami artist Vassvik created a rocking shamanistic seance in Gloria’s chilling darkness. His rumbling overtone roaring lifted a snip of the civilization, so we could gaze together into eternity.

As I succeeded in making room for Roskilde and Roskilde could make room for me, I experienced the transforming power of this festival: to be invited and welcome to a place where we could let the masques fall. A place where we need to be far away in order to find ourselves. And this now on a new level.“

„Torgeir A Vassvik var fœnomenal på RF16! I det ene øjeblik befandt vi os eftertœnksomt skuende over

høje, åbne fjeldvidder; i det nœste på intens bjørnejagt i Sápmis dybeste nåleskove. Joik er fedt!“

FNU Foreningen Nordens Ungdom, 3rd July 2016

„Torgeir Vassvik made a great impression on us at the Tradition for Tomorrow event in 2014, so we are

delighted to be welcoming him back to Vaka 2016.“

Vaka Festival Iceland, June 2016

"Hypnotic concert at Logen Teater As Wednesday night. Festspillene 16 Sápmi m/Torgeir Vassvik ... "

Bergen International Festival, June 2016


«Vassvik stands for great energy: intense, hypnotic, fresh and creative! 

I could feel this from the very first note during Vassvik's concert in Germany's biggest folk, roots and world music festival, TFF Rudolstadt, in 2015.

Soundscape artist Torgeir Vassvik dives deep into the archaic trancelike joik of the northern Sámi and the vocal traditions of other indigenous people, but at the same time takes a unique and contemporary approach by combining them with rocking guitar and frame drum and artful modern strings in his group V a s s v i k.

Torgeir Vassvik is a sound magician, who goes beyond everything our ears have ever come across. 

His own compositions put a spell on about 10.000 people during Vassvik's concert at TFF Rudolstadt, in 2015. In this extraordinary performance we could not only feel the strongly driving power of Vassvik's music, but also many diverse exciting sound nuances and facets full of beauty.

Vassvik touched me and thousands of other listeners deep inside. And, as if the musicians had a contract with nature, the soundscapes combined organically with an impressive summer night thunder storm during this concert, just to emphasize: Vassvik is highly inspiring, unique and most exciting! A new name for the big stages of the world.»